Palworld Base Ideas:TRANSFORM Your Palworld Base in 5 EASY Step

The Resourceful Outpost:

Location: Volcano Crater (Scorched Plains) – Pals to consider: Anubis for mining, Jormuntide Ignis for geothermal power, Verdash for woodgathering.

The Verdant Valley:

Location: Bamboo Grove (Mystical Isles  Pals to consider: Sweepa for farming, Lamball for wool production, Beegarde for honey, Petallia for medicinal herbs.

The Fortified  Fortress:

Location: Canyon Outpost (Windswept Hills) Pals to consider: Rayhound for defense, Vanwyrm for aerial patrol, Chiller for temperature control, Anubis for resource gathering.

The Bustling Bazaar:

 Location: Oasis Springs  (Sandy Ruins)  Pals to consider: Cattiva for socializing, Lifmunk for crafting, Pengullet for aquatic transport, Mozzarina for cheese production.

The Skyborn Sanctuary:

Location: Sky Islands (Celestial Expanse) Pals to consider: Any flying Pal for traversal, Cryolinx for temperature control, adaptable Pals for diverse tasks.

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