Rayhound palworld breeding combos,stats,saddle,weakness

Rayhound: Your Electrifying Palworld Companion!

Rayhound palworld :The vast landscapes of Palworld are teeming with unique creatures called Pals, and the Rayhound is one that will surely spark your interest. This electric canine is a powerhouse with both speed and offensive capabilities, making it a valuable asset to any Pal Trainer.

rayhound palworld Stats:

  • Type: Electric
  • HP: High
  • Attack: Balanced (Melee & Ranged)
  • Defense: Decent
  • Work Speed: Average

rayhound palworld saddle:

One of Rayhound’s most exciting features is its ability to be equipped with a saddle, allowing you to ride it across the vast plains of Palworld. This not only adds an element of fun but also grants you a significant speed boost for exploration and resource gathering. Imagine the thrill of racing across the golden sands of the Dessicated Desert on your trusty Rayhound, the wind whipping through your hair as you leave a trail of dust in your wake.

Rayhound palworld

rayhound palworld location:

Finding your own Rayhound is an exciting adventure! These electric pups can be found roaming in packs within the Deep Sand Dunes region of the Dessicated Desert. Be prepared for the harsh desert heat and their level 30+ challenge, as they’re no pushovers in a fight. For those seeking an extra thrill, facing off against a wild Rayhound pack and emerging victorious will surely be a rewarding experience.

rayhound palworld speed:

Rayhound boasts impressive speed, making it a valuable companion for traversing vast distances and escaping sticky situations. Coupled with its Jumping Force ability, which allows for double jumps while mounted, you’ll be zipping around Palworld in no time. Imagine scaling cliffs and reaching hidden areas with ease, all thanks to your Rayhound’s agility.

Rayhound palworld

rayhound palworld Weakness:

Like all Pals, Rayhound has its vulnerabilities. Being an Electric-type, it’s naturally weak against Ground-type attacks. So, when facing off against Rayhounds in the wild or in Palbattles (trainer battles), consider bringing along a strong Ground-type Pal like Digtoise or Anubis to gain the upper hand. Remember, a well-prepared trainer is a successful trainer!

rayhound palworld Breeding :

If capturing a Rayhound in the wild proves challenging, you can always try your hand at breeding. While the exact combinations haven’t been officially revealed yet, experienced Pal Trainers speculate that breeding two Electric-type Pals with similar physical characteristics might increase your chances of obtaining a Rayhound egg.

Rayhound palworld

rayhound palworld breeding combos:

  • Electrode + Zebstrika
  • Voltorb + Luxray
  • Manectric + Raichu

Remember, these are just speculations, and experimentation is key! Who knows, you might even discover a rare breeding combination that becomes the envy of other Pal Trainers.


The Rayhound is a fantastic companion for any Pal Trainer seeking both power and speed. Its electrifying attacks, impressive speed, and mountable capabilities make it a valuable asset in exploring the world, battling other Pals, and completing various tasks. So, saddle up and embark on your Palworld adventure with this loyal and energetic companion by your side!


Q: Is a saddle readily available for Rayhound?

A: As of now, information regarding readily available saddles for Rayhound is scarce. However, possibilities exist for crafting or obtaining them through in-game quests or exploration. Keep your eyes peeled for crafting materials or hidden shops that might hold the key to acquiring the perfect saddle for your Rayhound.

Q: Are there any alternative ways to cool down in the desert while searching for Rayhound?

A: Besides heat-resistant armor, consider utilizing consumable items like cooling drinks or crafting shade-providing tents for temporary relief from the harsh desert climate. Remember, staying hydrated and protected from the scorching sun is crucial for both you and your Pals during your desert explorations.

Q: Can Rayhound be used for generating electricity?

A: While Rayhound’s specific work skills are yet to be fully revealed, it possesses a “Generating Electricity Lv. 2” work suitability, hinting at its potential to contribute to your Palworld base’s power needs. With further training and exploration, you might even unlock the ability to harness Rayhound’s electric power for various purposes, making it a valuable asset not just for combat and exploration, but also for base development.

For all details on palword game visit: PALWORLD GUIDE

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